Sunday, April 02, 2006

Lord Foulgrin's Letters by Randy Alcorn

In the style of C.S. Lewis' "Screw Tape Letters" Randy Alcorn stimulates our thinking with this fictional tale about the reality of the spiritual battles that rage every moment. The story draws you in and opens your eyes to the world that Satan, demons, and angels operate in. Your thinking will be stimulated as you get a glimpse into some of the schemes of Satan and how he seeks to distract, destroy, and dishonor God's children.

In this story, Alcorn brings us into the life of Jordon Fletcher and his family. They are lost and far from God and each other. Jordon had reached the pinnacle of success after working for many years to achieve his dreams. Earning power, success, and the dream house he always wanted, he realized that they did not bring him happiness. As he pondered life he sensed that there is something more. This caused the demon Lord Foulgrin to begin a campaign to distract Jordon from contemplating God. Lord Foulgrin writes letters to his demon underlings of praise, rebuke, and strategy as they try to keep Jordon from reading the bible, having a relationship with a Christian who is trying to share the gospel with him, and trying to temp Jordon to have an extra marital affair with his secretary. This book is good for helping you to be aware of the reality that is hard at work behind the scenes.